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Symposium Q& A

Symposium Q&A for students


Q: How many guests can I invite?

A: Students can invite up to 4 guests to view their presentation but no more than 2 guests to stay for dinner not including your faculty mentor.


Q: Do I need to stay for the entire duration of the Symposium?

A: Yes students will need to stay for the duration, guests and faculty do not.


Q: What should I bring to the Symposium?

A: Please bring your poster (if applicable), a water bottle, and snacks. Please do not bring valuables or bulky items.


Q: What is the dress code?

A: The dress code is business casual or formal wear. If you do not have professional attire, please reach out to the UCR Career Center to access their R'Closet for professional clothing options for students.


Q: What time should I arrive?

A: Students are asked to arrive at 8 AM for check-in


Q: How should I prepare for the Symposium?

A: Attend Symposium practice sessions and read through class materials posted on E-Learn for tips on effective communication, poster specifications, presenting data and more.


Q: Will there be a livestream?

A: No, unfortunately the event will not be available via livestream


Q: What is the poster presentation process like?

A: Students will be evenly split into two sessions where they will all display their posters and answer questions/explain their research. They can also opt-in for judging.


Q: What is the oral presentation process like?

A: Students will present via a powerpoint presentation one by one in front of an audience and answer questions/explain their research. They can also opt-in for judging.


Q: How does the judging process work?

A: Students poster and oral presentations will be evaluated by judges who will share scores and feedback with APRO staff. Students with top scores will receive a prize (TBA). 


Q: How do I know who is judging my presentation?

A: Judges will be asked to identify themselves to the students.




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